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  • Textpattern Hosting

    Professional TextPattern web hosting services: FREE TextPattern installation, FREE domain name, 24/7 support and more!

  • Westciv

    Westciv develops Style Master, the Mac and Windows CSS Editor that takes the head aches out of working with CSS.


Giftwrap - Template Screenshot

“Giftwrap is a beta version enhanced theme for the Textpattern Content Management System that bundles in a few wicked plugins and includes one heckuva tutorial. Quite simply—it’s the easiest of the easy Textpattern themes to install. Aside from the simplistic install, Giftwrap boasts in-demand features such as asides, gravatar support, customized archive pages and more! And the theme is installed without altering a single piece of code! Just copy and paste!

Giftwrap is not just a competition piece, it’s an ongoing effort to create the most user friendly and feature rich Textpattern template available.”



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