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  • Layout – Based on the judges’ determination of the novelty of the layout (30 points)
  • Design – The overall look including graphics and styles (20 points)
  • Code – Is the code valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional or Strict, and is the CSS valid? Is the code structurally semantic?
  • Features – Are there any additional and useful features? (10 points)
  • Ease of Use – How easily customizable is the template? How thorough is the documentation? (10 points)
  • Browser/Platform Support and Accessibility – The site must render correctly in all modern browsers including Firefox Win/Mac, Internet Explorer 6 and 7, and Safari. The site should also be usable in older browsers such as Internet Explorer 5+ Win/Mac and older versions of Netscape. (20 points)

The judges will score the submissions based on the criteria listed above. The judges’ scores (out of a possible 100 points) will be averaged to give a final template score that will be used to rank the templates.

In the event of a tie among prize-winning rankings, the judges will rescore the affected templates until a ranking is complete.

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